Stop The World

You know all those girls who follow every trend, purchase every magazine, and listen to the Top 40 all the time?
They piss me off so much.

It's like everything they do, everything they like, is just because everyone else likes it or to be "cool".

It's not even just the girls, the guys will be the exact same, and it makes me wonder if there's any originality left in the world. Humanity has just become a flock of sheep, with the media as their shepherd.

And of course, anyone who is different is immediately shunned or thought as "weird" or a "freak".

This post says a lot about me. I'm pretty misanthropic, but who wouldn't be, living in a population of mindless simpletons with bubbles for brains.

In other news, I enjoy edamame beans.

1 Comment:

  1. PhoenixDream said...
    I couldn't agree more. Originality, FTW !

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