Nothin' But A Good Time

Where to start, where to start?
Well duh, the beginning.

So Friday morning was uneventful, wake up, get dressed, wait for my sister to come and pick us up. And then three hours cramped in a car. During that time, I caught up on the Fallen series, reading the recently released Passion - but that's another post.

Once we got to Pattaya, there was the trouble of finding our hotel. Circling along the main road (Walking Street) a couple of times, we finally found it. We checked in and then had lunch in the restaurant. 

What else, what else? I feel like an old person, my memory is shite!

Oh! We went and checked out our rooms, we had three (there were five of us) and they were kind of expensive, but nice nontheless. I've seen better, but they were comfortable! After that, the BF and I went down to the pool and just chilled for a bit. I bashed my head against the side of the waterslide, and that freaking hurt but I'm okay! Don't panic xD We had some milkshakes and headed back to our room once it hit 6 oclock.

Then it was time for dinner. We always order heaps. There was like four different types of fish, five squid dishes (MINE!), a lot of oysters, and other seafood too.

Now this is the good bit. Once we finished dinner, we went to a transvestite cabaret show! I know, it's kind of WTF but it was really cool. The sets were so well made, and the costumes were sooo gorgeous. If you want to check it out, the link to their website is here. Tiffany's Show.

We headed back to our hotel after that and then walked up and down Walking Street a few times, where we separated after buying some McDonald's xD You wouldn't believe how many prostitutes there were lining the road.

Back in my room, I took a nice bath and then the BF and I went and bought a couple of alcopops (Breezers, if you were wondering D:) .. (No details, tyvm ;P)

In the morning we had breakfast at the hotel. There was this awesome as pancake machine, where you punched in however many pancakes you wanted and it'd make them and a conveyer belt would roll them onto your plate.

We then visited the Ripley's Exhibitions in this mall. We went through the Wax Museum (pretty cool, if not exactly as lifelike as Madam Tussaud's), Infinity Maze (Kind of creepy but very cool too), 4D Theater (Crap, seen better.) and the Ripley's Museum itself (spent about 3 hours xD). We were too chicken to go into the Haunted House thing, and by the time we got to it, it was time to go home anyway.

So this was a pretty craply written recount about my holiday, but meh, I was never good at these things.

Love you guys!


  1. PhoenixDream said...
    That's a lovely picture Kitty :D Sure sounds like you had lots of fun. Tiffany's was good? When I was in Pattaya, we decided not to go there because we'd been to this Alankaran show which was poretty boring plus I was only 11 then so my parents didn't want to take me to a cabaret show. Lol. God, I'm jealous, I want to be in Thailand like naaao. And I need a vacation. Darn. Love lots <3
  2. Kitty said...
    It was cool, the Alankaran show is just kind bleh. It's got no nudity or flashing or anything lol, it's just dancing and lipsynching.

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